2024 Allentown Summer Camps

Allentown summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Allentown, PA.

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Allentown Art Camps
Dance Fusion Summer Camps
6330 Farm Bureau Rd, Allentown, PA 18106
Contact: Kristi Dryer McInerney
Ph: (610) 360-4335

Email: studiodancefusion@gmail.com
Website: StudioDanceFusion.com
Allentown summer camps Allentown summer camps
Build a lifetime of memories! Ages 6-17 can join choose from 4 different camps. Preschoolers (ages 3-5) can enjoy our Preschool Camp.
Allentown summer camps
Baum School of Art Summer Camps
510 W Linden St, Allentown, PA 18101
Contact: Shannon Fugate
Ph: (610) 433-0032
Email: molly@baumschool.com
Website: BaumSchool.com
Allentown summer camps
DeSales Youth Camps
2755 Station Ave, Center Valley, PA 18034
Contact: Julie Mayo
Ph: (610) 282-1100 ext. 1243
Email: sdi@desales.edu
Website: DeSales.edu
Allentown summer camps
Community Music School Summer Camps
1544 W Hamilton St, Allentown, PA
Contact: Joe Wagner
Ph: (610) 435-7725
Email: info@cmslv.org
Website: CMSLV.org
Allentown summer camps
The Rhythm Pointe Summer Camps
5925 Tilghman St, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Janice Miuccio
Ph: (610) 338-1336
Email: info@therhythmpointe.com
Website: TheRhythmPointe.com
Allentown summer camps
Studio West Dance Centre Summer Camps
4096 W Tilghman St, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Shannon Krische
Ph: (484) 274-6554
Email: info@StudioWestDanceCentre.com
Website: StudioWestDanceCentre.com
Allentown summer camps
Accent School of Dance Summer Camps
4638 Broadway, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Karen Rick
Ph: (610) 395-6060
Email: info@accentschoolofdance.com
Website: AccentSchoolOfDance.com
Allentown summer camps
That's Dancin School for Dance Summer Camps
6900 Hamilton Blvd, Trexlertown, PA 18038
Contact: Fran Jones Evers
Ph: (610) 398-1303
Email: thatsdancinschoolfordance@gmail.com
Website: ThatsDancinSchoolForDance.com
Allentown summer camps

2024 Allentown Summer Camps

Allentown summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Allentown, PA.

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Allentown Sports Camps
Parkettes Summer Camps
401 Martin Luther King Dr, Allentown, PA 18102
Contact: Bill & Donna Strauss
Ph: (610) 433-0011
Email: parkets@aol.com
Website: Parkettes.com
Allentown summer camps Allentown summer camps
Join us at Camp Flip 'n Slide (ages 3-5) and Girls Summer Sports Camp (ages 6-12) for a great time! Theme weeks, indoor/outdoor activities and more! Half day or full day options. 
Allentown summer camps
Valley Preferred Cycling Center Summer Camps
1151 Mosser Rd, Breinnigsville, PA 18031
Contact: Dave Underhill
Ph: (610) 395-7000
Email: info@thevelodrome.com
Website: TheVelodrome.com
Allentown summer camps
McHoops Basketball Camps
2755 Station Ave, Center Valley, PA 18034
Contact: Scott McClary
Ph: (240)988-3430
Email: smcclary3430@gmail.com
Website: McHoopsBasketballCamp.com
Allentown summer camps
Muhlenberg Women's Lacrosse Camps
1700 Chew St, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Kristen Stuckel
Ph: (484) 664-3100
Email: kristenstuckel@muhlenberg.edu
Website: MuhlenbergSports.com
Allentown summer camps
Perfect Touch Sports Camp
Multiple locations in Allentown
Contact: Matthew Baker
Ph: (610) 442-5039
Email: info@perfecttouchsports.com
Website: PerfectTouchSports.com
Allentown summer camps
Kids Play Tennis Summer Camps
2101 W Allen St, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: David Kurvink
Ph: (484) 273-0057
Email: David@kids-playtennis.org
Website: KidsPlayTennis.org
Allentown summer camps
ACCHS Youth Athletic Camps
301 N 4th St, Allentown, PA 18103
Contact: Dennis Csensits
Ph: (610) 437-4601
Email: altacchs@acchs.info
Website: ACCHS.info
Allentown summer camps
Lehigh Valley Baseball Academy Summer Camps
1716 E Tremont St, Allentown, PA 18109
Contact: Dylan Dando
Ph: (610) 351-0013
Email: info@lehighvalleybaseballacademy.com
Website: LehighValleyBaseballAcademy.com
Allentown summer camps

2024 Allentown Summer Camps

Allentown summer camps

The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Allentown, PA.

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Allentown Academic Camps

Lightbridge Academy Summer Camps
249 Centronia Rd, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Angie Reifsnyder
Ph: (610) 778-9898
Email: allentown_pa@lightbridgeacademy.com
Website: LightBridgeAcademy.com
Allentown summer camps Allentown summer camps
Campers enjoy a fun, safe and structured camp experience. Your child will make new friends, learn important life skills, enjoy adventures, and create many memories!
Allentown summer camps
Camp Calvary
3436 Winchester Rd, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Ray Ricketts
Ph: (610) 841-7988
Email: director@cteclc.org
Website: CalvaryTempleLearningCenter.CalvaryTemplePA.org
Allentown summer camps
Camp Blue Line
4500 Education Park Dr, Schnecksville, PA 18078
Contact: Officer Matt Geake
Ph: (610) 437-7565
Email: Matt.Geake@Allentownpa.gov
Website: AllentownPal.com
Allentown summer camps
Davinci Science Center Summer Camps
3145 Hamilton Blvd Bypass, Allentown, PA 18103
Contact: Ann Bebout
Ph: (484) 664-1002
Email: camps@davincisciencecenter.org
Website: DavinciScienceCenter.org
Allentown summer camps
Moravian Academy Swain School Camp
1100 S 24th St, Allentown, PA 18103
Contact: Megan Franzyshen
Ph: (610) 433-4542
Email: mfranzyshen@mamail.net
Website: MoravianAcademy.org
Allentown summer camps
Mad Science Summer Camps
30 Lone Lane, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Carrie Miller
Ph: (610) 438-0232
Email: mslv@rsn.com
Website: LehighValley.MadScience.org
Allentown summer camps
Lehigh Valley Montessori Summer Camps
6635 Tilghman St, 2nd Floor, Allentown, PA 18106
Contact: Nour Goda
Ph: (347) 963-2206
Email: ngoda@lehighvalleymontessori.org
Website: LehighValleyMontessori.org
Allentown summer camps
Penn State Lehigh Valley Summer Camps
2809 Saucon Valley Rd, Center Valley, PA
Contact: Cindy Evans
Ph: (610) 285-5000
Email: cls536@psu.edu
Website: LehighValley.psu.edu
Allentown summer camps

2024 Allentown Summer Camps

Allentown summer camps

 The most comprehensive listing of summer camps in Allentown, PA.

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Allentown Specialty Camps

Wildlands Conservancy Camps
Lone Lane Park, Allentown, PA
Contact: Denise Bauer
Ph: (610) 965-4397
Email: dbauer@wilslandspa.org
Website: WildlandsPA.org
Allentown summer camps Allentown summer camps
 Children learn, play, and grow through curiosity and discovery, budding both friendships and a lifelong appreciation of our natural world. Enriching, nature-based environment.
Allentown summer camps
Black Rock Retreat
1345 Kirkwood Pike, Quarryville, PA 17566
Contact: Peter Fiorello
Ph: (717) 529-3232
Email: info@blackrockretreat.com
Website: www.BlackRockRetreat.com
Allentown summer camps
Future Stars Summer Camps
100 College Dr, Allentown, PA
Contact: Cathy Rush
Ph: (215) 674-0494
Email: info@futurestars.com
Website: FutureStars.com
Allentown summer camps
JCC Summer Camp
702 N 22nd Ave, Allentown, PA 18104
Contact: Eric Lightman
Ph: (610) 435-3571
Email: news@lvjcc.org
Website: LVJCC.org
Allentown summer camps
Greater Valley YMCA Camps
Multiple locations around Allentown
Contact: Crystal Messer
Ph: (610) 435-6065
Website: GV-YMCA.org
Allentown summer camps
Easter Seasls Camp Lily Day Camps
1501 Lehigh St, Suite 201, Allentown, PA 18103
Contact: Emily Gonda
Ph: (610) 289-0114 ext. 209
Email: camp@esep.org
Website: EasterSeals.com
Allentown summer camps
Lehigh Valley Zoo Summer Camps
5150 Game Preserve Rd, Schnecksville, PA 18078
Contact: Amanda Shurr
Ph: (610)-799-4171 ext. 228
Email: edureservations@lvzoo.org
Website: LVZoo.org
Allentown summer camps
Girl Scouts of Eastern Pennsylvania
Multiple locations near Allentown, PA
Contact: Amanda Hunsburger
Ph: (215) 564-2030
Email: memberservices@gsep.org
Website: GSEP.org
Allentown summer camps
Parkland Area Summer Rec Camps
Multiple locations in Allentown, PA
Contact: Mike Kukitz
Ph: (610) 395-4892
Email: matulal@southwhitehall.com
Website: SouthWhiteHall.com
Allentown summer camps
Mercy Summer Camps
830 S Woodward St, Allentown, PA 18103
Contact: Beth Grys
Ph: (610) 797-8942
Email: learning@mercyschool.org
Website: MercySchool.org
Allentown summer camps
Allentown Parks & Rec Summer Camps
Multiple locations in Allentown, PA
Contact: Mandy Tolino
Ph: (610) 437-7750
Email: recreation@allentownpa.gov
Website: AllentownPA.MyRec.com
Allentown summer camps
Camp Compass
1221 Sumner Ave, Allentown, PA 18102
Contact: John Annoni
Ph: (610) 295-5567
Email: Info@campcompass.org
Website: CampCompass.com
Allentown summer camps